Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Matsutani sama gives Mr. Green one last check up

Today I rode my bicycle to Sunnyside Matsutani Cycle
Shop in Izumiotsu. Sunnyside is a family business run by the very skillful Mr. Matsutani, His lovely wife and beautiful daughter. Today Matsutani sama gave my bicycle a last once-over before I set out for the Yaeyama Islands tomorrow. I'll be taking the Hiruu 21 ferry from Nanko Port in Osaka. It's final destination is Taiwan, very close to Japan's last island territory - Hateruma Island. Thank you to the Matsutani family for all their great help. Theirs is a terrific bicycle shop. Any questions or help you may need will be answered efficiently by the gracious staff!

そして、とうとう明日 日本自転車の旅・第一弾へ出発です。南港から石垣島へ行き日本最南端の波照間島へ、そして西表島で西表山猫とたわむれ、鹿児島へ北上したあと縄文杉のある屋久島へ行き、宮崎港から南港へ戻ってくる・・・というのが大筋のプランです。フェリー代が非常に高くついたので、食事は毎日貧乏カレーらしいです。出港は真夜中ですけど、夜道を自転車で行くのは危ないので、明日の昼前から家を出て6時間かけて陽のあるうちに南港まで行きます。頑張れ~~~~★


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