You might think that these tracks in the sand were produced by a bicycle, possibly even Mr.Green! They weren't. The fact is, during the day the beach is festuned with the movement of cute little hermit crabs - I mean these little guys are EVERYWHERE. But these little crustations are far too small (about the size of pistachio nuts) to leave any noticable tracks in the sand. However, when the sun goes down softball-size hermit crabs take over the beach. The much larger cousins of the little "pistachio nuts", leave the beach looking like crosstown traffic through New York City! Now, this hermit crab traffic is my kind of traffic!

Each hermit crab carries around a different shell on his back, consiquently each crab leaves different tracks!
I still can't believe I'm camping on this beach with this view - and not another person around for who knows how many miles! Even at mid-day when the

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