Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Back on the ferry again. This time I'm headed to the world heritage island of Iriomote. This island is said to be the Galapagos of Japan! There only, live less than 100 Iriomote Yamaneko (Iriomote mountain cat).
See here for more info about Iriomote!


We're pulling into Iriomotejima NOW!! I can't believe I'm really here!


The beach at low tide
Many people are out enjoying the warm water and hot sun, maybe collecting clams to eat! Sounds good! I'll see what I can get tomorrow


I'm camping here on the beach tonight!


My cave on the beach! I'm not gonna bother setting up the tent here. It's a beautiful night and the fresh sea breaze feels awesome on my sun burns. I'll sleep on the sand under the stars with the 500 billion hermit crab residents. Reminisent of the 4 months I slept on the beach on Half Moon Caye, Belize.


Information board about the endemic and very rare Iriomote wild cat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hiney!
I too am leaving this thursday morning on the Ferry. I will miss your blog journey for afew days,but will be with you in spirit.
Love Schlitzey