Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This stretch of road that I'm battling with today is the most desilate and most challenging on all of Yakushima I'd venture to say. It is so wild up here in Seibu Rindoh Forest. There's scarcely a passing car. Every 30 - 45 minutes or so you may have a vehicle pass by. When you're going downhill through this expanse, it's like your zooming down cloud 9. When you're climbing, it's like Billy's Boot Camp if Billy were on crack! This is no easy ride. Other than an initial steep climb and the stress of long dark tunnels on my ride from Wakayama to Osaka, This is by far the most difficult cycling of this trip - and my life!
It is also one of the most scenic and beautiful rides I've ever been on. Mountains and subtropical forests and the sea and mountains and monkies and mountains......and...and...Yakushima is AMAZING!!!

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