Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fuji Matsuri ("Wisteria Festival")

The end of April marks the peak season for viewing the beautiful Wisteria flowers in the Wakayama area of JapanIn an old Sennan neighborhood (about 20 minutes car drive from Wakayama City) there is actually a Fuji Matsuri, or Wisteria Festival!
Over 20 years ago Mr. Kajimoto planted a single Wisteria in the garden at his own home. Today that Wisteria is massive with entangled vines stretching as far as the eye can see, producing cascades of beautiful lavender flowers. The flowers emit a wonderful aroma which permeates the entire area. It's magical!

Atsuko, like the dozens of others who have flocked here, can't resist taking picture after picture.

Kajimoto san (Mr. Kajimoto) now over 70, is a retired elementary school principal.

Mr. Kajimoto enjoys mingling with guests from all over who come to enjoy the sights and smells of his spectacular gardens. He gives talks on the significances of his prized Wisteria and encourages all to cherish their time at his home. There is absolutely NO charge for going here! It's free to come and see and you can even get some seasonal rice dough snacks (kusa mochi) and Japanese tea. Volunteers take care of all these services! Believe me, you WON'T want to leave.

The bumble bees are perhaps the hardest working to make this event happen! They are SUPER busy pollinating all the thousands of blooms at Kajimoto san's garden. Bumbles buzz about by the boat-load keeping things going.

You've gotta see this place for yourself, and you can't be too hasty. For this can only be seen for about a week or so at the end of April! This limited time offer even makes the whole thing all the more special.



Anonymous said...

Hello Bill and Atsukosan:-)
How are you doing?
What's a biautiful hujis!!
I never knew thouse wonderful spot!!
I'll go to there next season with Kazumi!!;-)


Anonymous said...

Just like New Jersey.



Anonymous said...

New Jersey is BEAUITIFUL too Maria!
