It's just after 1:00 pm
Saturday, April 19 and I'm back!
Atsuko isn't quite ready for a picture right now, so Heidi is sitting in on her behalf. It sure feels strange to be back in a home again. The house and town look so alien all of the sudden! It's that feeling you can only get after you've been gone for some time and in that time (long or short) many things transpired.
Well, many things did transpire over the last 17 days. Many new, many wonderful, some not so wonderful, but all priceless. I wouldn't trade the last couple of weeks, not a single day, for anything.
Thank you everyone for keeping up with my adventure. You made me feel as though I was never alone and because of YOU, I could DO IT!
Thanks everyone out on the road for all your kindness, support, and company.
Thank you Atsuko for doing this with me. I know it wasn't easy for you.
I'm gonna take a hot shower and have a nap!
See ya later
Dear Hiney,
Thank goodness for your safe arrival home into the arms of your patient and loving wife. We're very happy you've returned safe and sound. Call me in the morning after a good nights sleep.
Congratulations on completing your wonderful journey! Thanks for sharing it all... I'm having a cold one right now to celebrate with you! Say hello to Atsuko for us...never mind, I'll tell her myself: Hi Atsuko!
Check in with you soon,
How about you?
And Well come back:)
Okaeri,Bill Sensei!I could enjoy the journey through your blog,thank you!There is no place like home?
The next part makes the muscles aches, sunburn, inclimate weather, tight tunels with thundering trucks,endless uphills look like a walk in the park. Trying to adapt to a routine after a trip.
Dear bill
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