I'm on the Cosmo Line Jet Rocket to Yakushima and lovin' it!

I've arrived at Yakushima. Poor Mr.Green had to be dissasembled for this ferry ride. Now it's time to put Humpty Dumpty back together again!

There really wasn't any need for this. However, this is a good opportunity to look Mr.Green over, tighten anything that may need it. I wanna keep me boy in top condition for the road ahead. The road ahead is looking VERY BRIGHT indeed now that I'm out of the city and in this incredible place called Yakushima. It was REALLY REALLY GREAT to hear from some good friends. Thanks for the calls Jonny and Warren, and of course always my Atsuko.

The Cosmo Line Jet Rocket

It's gotta be the most colorful water craft I've ever seen!
OKAY! It's time to go get lost in those beautiful mountains. Though I've never been there, Kagoshima and Yakushima remind me of Seatle and the USA's northwest coast. It's a comfortable temperature (about 20゜C / 70゜F) and cloudy with some steady drizzle. Today is my first day of rain in 10 days, but I don't mind at all. It makes me feel fresh and the landscape is extra green because of it!
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