Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's been a fun and funny ferry ride from Miyazaki. I've become somewhat of an idol among several elderly women aboard this vessel. They hand me food and drink, and ask to have their pictures taken together with me! If only I was this popular with females about 3 times younger.
Seriously though, ALL the people whom I've had the great fortune of becoming acquainted with, have been lovely individuals.
Just before boarding the ferry in Miyazaki, I met Koyabayashi san. When I first caught sight of her, she was puffin' away on a cigarette. I could tell from the start that she was a strong, oppinionated, independant woman. I liked her instantly. It seems that in Miyazaki, there are no shortage of old birds like her. I met several more along the way on this geriatric ferry ride! Hords of seniors are making their way to Osaka, which is apparently quite the mecca this time of year what with it's weeping cherries at their peak.

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