Sunday, April 6, 2008

2 ramens with;

Shitake mushrooms
tiny dried shrimp
fresh cabbage from a roadside stand

- Throughout Japan, including Wakayama, there are unmanned fruit & vegetable stands along rural roadsides where you can help yourself. Just leave the money in a provided box.


My FIRST CAMP out so far on this adventure. This spot is INCREDIBLE! jungle in every direction with a crystal clear, cool flowing brook alongside my tent. There are litterally hundreds of little frogs hopping around the fern-covered forest floor. I can hardly take a single step without startling one or two little frogs to hop away! I love it here. Now it's dark and dozens of brilliant orange crabs are scampering about the leaf litter on the ground. The crabs are the size of a child's hand.

Goodnight from paradise


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