Monday, September 15 2008
Mutbailey, Aunt Barb, Gram and I took a drive through Saint James and along
Stony Brook Harbor.

It was in these backwaters that my grandfather would take me out at night in search of
crabs and
eels. With a Coleman lantern mounted at the front of an aluminum skiff, we'd inch our way over mud and thick sea weed. Between our boat and the muddy, grassy bottom there was usually about 2-3 feet of water (about 1 meter). We would catch the sea delicacies and cook them the same night. By day we'd fish from shore for
"Snappers", young Bluefish which were in abundance.
Some of my fondest childhood memories can be traced to this little
beach at the corner of Harbor Road and Cordwood Path in Saint James.
Here's Aunt Barb retracing some of the steps she took herself on this beach decades ago, as a child growing up nearby.
The tide is high....
.......but I'm holdin' on!
.........Cordwood Path is number one!
Bill & Atsuko,
Sorry I missed your birthday Bill, but I didn't want to miss today... Happy Anniversary to you both!!... after your wedding, I can't help but think of being in Maine this time of year! Loved the pictures of little Allie and the harbor (good times!) as well as of Egypt and Japan!
L. Adam & Jenni
Thanks, Adam & Jenni!
I(Atsuko)totally forgot about our wedding anniversary as well as the last year!!!
It's confusing but we have 2 wedding anniversaries - one in Japan and another one in Maine. I always remember the earier one in Japan (Feb 14), which is the very first official one, and forget the one in Maine!
Please keep this secret to everyone!! (don't read, everyone else!)
Hope to see you both again sometime soon!!
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