Long time no see Mr. Green! How have you been?!
Yes, Mr. Green is about to embark on another adventure with me. Here's the old boy being broken down for the first leg of our journey together. Last time, in April, we left the cool air of Wakayama for the tropical climate of the southern islands of Japan via ferries - lots and lots of ferries. This time Mr. Green and I will take a short plane ride from Kansai Airport in south Osaka to
Kushiro, Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. Instead of leaving the cool and heading for the heat, I'll be fleeing the oppressive heat and humidity of Wakayama for the comfortable, brisk air of Northern Japan.
On this trip I plan to spend a lot more time on Mr. Green than I did in the south a couple of months ago. Travel between islands wasn't possible by bicycle (go figure!!), which meant I had to taxi across to and from land by watercraft. Albeit fun, this was not only time consuming, but quite costly as well.
In Hokkaido I plan to stay on mainland soil at all times (except when I am diving down for seafood off the coast!). I hope to visit 5 particular National Parks to the center and south of the great island of Hokkaido which is shaped like a Manta Ray. One of these National Parks is called Daisetsuzan, and it is the largest area in Japan with designated National Park status. I have been dying to go there since about 6 years ago when Atsuko gave me a National Geographic Japanese travel guide in which there was an incredible photograph of the mountainous park.
Tomorrow I will fly out of Osaka at 3 something, and arrive in Kushiro, Hokkaido just after 5pm. So it's only about a 2 hour flight between the currently steaming Wakayama and the suzushii (cool) north land, which are vastly different from each other climatically as well as biologically.
While in the Yaeyama Archipelago in southern Japan my number one threat was a deadly bite from the Habu, a pit viper inhabitant of several southern Japanese isles. Needless to say I was very careful about where I stepped or put my hands, and shook out my shoes before putting them on each morning.
Danger from snakes in Hokkaido doesn't concern me so much. While the range of Japanese Mamushi, another pit viper (resembling an American copperhead), does include the whole of Hokkaido, it also includes most of Japan. In Wakayama Mamushi are common and I see them frequently. Not only are there Mamushi in my neck of the woods, but Yamakagashi as well. Yamakagashi, or Red-Sided Water Snake/ Japanese Garter Snake abound here in Wakayama. I've seen at least one just about every other day for the last few weeks. Yamakagashi are a rear-fanged snake whose venom is potentially very dangerous. In fact their venom is comparable to that of the African Boomslang, a deadly snake indeed. Though both of these snakes reside and are common in Wakayama, neither is bad-tempered and either of these snakes would prefer to slither away when encountered rather than stay and fight it out. The Habu on the other hand is notorious for it's bad temper and so I took great caution while in it's territory.
No, snakes aren't worrying me nearly as much as bears. In Hokkaido there are plenty of bears and when in bear country an outdoors man must take many precautions. I will need to hang food from trees and make myself heard when in quite natural areas. Bells and whistles are often used by hikers.
Respect for nature is the key to not being overpowered by her.
Tomorrow my mother in law will drive me to the airport! She is a great help to me
Atsuko is always with me, as are all those whom I love and care about.
Sometimes I am bound to get lonely up there. I would love to hear from you!
You can e mail me at; dj.billybee13@docomo.ne.jp
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