Saturday, July 26, 2008

Today other than eat and walk about 10 or 20 feet, I spent the bulk of this fine day napping in the sunny breeze lakeside.
At about 5:00pm or so, a skinny, gangley man came up from behind me and greeted me with a feable "hello". When I responded with a slightly more confident "konnichiwa", he breathed a great big sigh of relief and with excitement eagerly informed me that he had bicycled the complete length of Japan and New Zealand as well. After I gave an astonished awe, the man told me he had photos of his adventures with him now. When I showed interest he said he'd be back with the pictures to show me. He walked away and then less than 10 minutes later, as promissed, returned with two thick albums in hand.
We sat together on mossy roots and stumps looking through his proffessional quality photographs of the energetic man's three month New Zealand bicycle adventure he had done last year. Each photo of a tree fern, field of sheep, and everything else between looked like a saleable postcard. He really has quite an eye for photography. This ambitious, cheerful man's name is Kobayashi san and he's 59.
After Kobayashi san's visit I ate a potfull of Chiyan Chiyan rice and then sat down by the shore enjoying an incredible sunset.

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