Monday, August 25, 2008

Ringo Gari and BBQ with the Kashiwagis

Saturday, August 16 2008
It was a beautiful day, albeit hot. Atsuko and I cruised on up to Momoyama cho again and met up with Kayoko, Miku, and the rest of the Kashiwagi clan.
A day in Momoyama cho with the Kashiwagis is always guaranteed to be an awesome time, and Saturday was no exception!
This would be Ringo Gari day! (RINGO = apple, GARI = pick)
[apple-picking day]

We hopped into the back of a truck, armed with apple boxes.

Then, we headed down through the orchard, to the Kashiwagi's own tree.

Soon we were enjoying "the fruits of our labor"
The apples were delicious!

Miku was an active picker

In no time, our boxes were full and we hopped back into the little truck.

And we headed back down the mountain a ways.
BUDO (Grape) vinyard

Next, it was time to prepare the BBQ.
Everyone joined in, as always.
There was beef, sweet potatoes, tofu.....

......scallops, octopus, and many more delectable treats!

Ryota kun did dome deep thinking.
As did his big brother Shuta kun.
Shuta got some guidance from his Grandpa (Papa Kashiwagi).
Atsuko jumped into high gear too.
I believe Ryota was thinking;
"These are the best of times"
"We must treasure these moments today, and bask in their warmth tomorrow"
Well put Ryota.
I couldn't have said it better myself!
Thank you for everything Kayoko. See you in New York!


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Hello Miku & Shuta,

Thank you! I will never forget you.

I am excited about seeing you in NY someday soon!

Take good care, and えいごがんばてね!

Love Bill