Monday, August 25, 2008

Anything That Shines

Thursday, August 14th
I was called upon by my good mate Greg (Jonny) Crawford, to do a photo shoot for him and his best friend and band mate, BJ.
Greg and BJ have been best friends and band mates for about 20 years.
The up and coming rock sensation goes by the name
Anything That Shines
Before forming this band together in Japan, the duo toured with various rockers in the professional circuit throughout their mother country, Australia. Now a bit older, more mature and seasoned, Greg and BJ have integrated their past musical influences and experiences with a current state of mind.
With their debut album soon nearing completion, they were in need of some photo-art for an assortment of uses.
It was to be my first assignment of this kind.
The two were excellent models.
I look forward to the final product boys!
Thank you for a wonderful experience.
今回ビルは、元上司であり良き友でもあるグレッグと、その20年来の親友であるBJ(グレッグは和歌山市、BJは御坊市在住のオーストラリア人)が結成しているバンド:Anything That Shines詳しくはこちら) のフォトシュートにやって来ました 
二人が日本でこのバンドを結成する以前は、たくさんのプロのミュージシャン達と母国であるオーストラリアで全国ツアーをしていました。そして・・・年月が経ち、いい感じに熟したグレッグとBJは、過去における経験と現在の関心事を融合させた、という訳です (p*゚ー゚)pq(゚ー゚*q)
そんな彼らのデビューアルバムが近々完成するので、アルバムジャケットの撮影にビルが一肌、二肌脱いだのです。本物モデルもビックリの二人のポーズっぷりご覧下さい v(≧∇≦)v イェェ~イ♪

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