Saturday, November 8, 2008

More Fall Images From the Pumpkin Patch

Late October 2008

The Black Crows

Various Gourds
more Gourds

Corn in the corn maze, against a bluer than blue sky (no effects here!)

CORN MAZEとはいわゆるトウモロコシの迷路。広い広い土地に2.5メートルまで伸びたトウモロコシが壁となった巨大迷路。毎年たくさんのお客さんに楽しんでもらってます。私が試しにやってみたら、抜け出すまで15分かかりました。

Wagons and the tractors ready for hay rides

I don't know what kind of berries these are, but they sure are beautiful red

I've got the BIG APPLE in my hand!

This strange looking squash is known as a Snake Gourd (for obvious reasons), or in Italian "Gugutsa"

Autumn blue sky

the pumpkin patch

毎年 地面に5000個くらい並んだパンプキンから、お客さんは好きなサイズのものを自分たちで選んで買います。

Happy Autumn 2008

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