Sunday, June 15 and Monday June 16
were spent in
Tokyo is a BIG city filled with lots and LOTS of people, as most cities are. As a rule of thumb, I usually avoid going into any city when not absolutely necessary. This weekend it was in fact necessary that Atsuko and I go to Tokyo. We're on a mission to get Atsuko an Immigrant Visa, or Green Card for the USA so that she can live and work there.
As I mentioned before, I am not a city person and neither is Atsuko. I can appreciate a massive metropolis for what it is and what goes on inside it, but not many cities have caught my interest to a degree that makes me want to return a second time. As a matter of fact, there is only one city that I can honestly say interests me. That would be New York City. New York City - Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and the rest of the Five Boroughs - is fascinating to me. Many people have said the "Big Apple" is "It's own country", an entity unto itself separate from the United States. I'd have to agree that it is a bit like that.
Anyway! I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there. Back to Tokyo!
Maybe I have gotten spoiled by the warmth and flavor of Wakayama and the Kansai area of Japan. Kansai refers to Osaka City and all surrounding prefectures and cities. It's a wonderful place in so many ways. The people are boisterous, passionate, and full of character. The Japanese dialect spoken here is endemic to Kansai. It includes so many colorful terms, accents, and so on. Finally, the food in the Kansai area is AWESOME! I've lived in this area for the last 3 years and can say with conviction that I haven't eaten a single meal out that was less than delicious. (Whoops! Another tangent. Sorry!) On the other hand, it only took several hours in Tokyo before Atsuko and I dined at a Chinese restaurant which served the most awful gyoza (dumplings) I've yet eaten, anywhere.
I'll say one thing about Tokyo though - it was immaculate! In the few areas Atsuko and I visited, there were loads of beautiful parks, palaces and well planned streets with beautiful trees lining there sides. For an urban giant, Tokyo is a rather beautiful city
It's said that Tokyo is comprised of people from all over Japan. Of course there are a fair share of international foreigners as well, but even many of the Japanese residents there weren't born in Tokyo. This may have something to do with the city's lack of personality. Basically what I'm trying to say is that one visit to Tokyo was certainly enough to satiate my wanderlust in that direction!
All that being said, Atsuko and I enjoyed ourselves and had quite a pleasant experience at the American Embassy. It seems to have gone really well and we hope to have a Green Card within the next couple of months (possibly sometime in August). The staff there (mostly Japanese) was very kind and welcoming. We didn't see anyone being given a hard time as you often do at such places. When all was said and done, the two of us were in and out before we had time to even get anxious or impatient. Between the waiting and actual time spent talking with officials through a thick plastic window, this ordeal only took one hour. It was a very quick hour and surprisingly delightful.
Window WashersWe saw troops of these guys several stories up washing away. Just watching them dangling from there cable "lifelines" made me a bit uneasy. While getting dressed in our hotel room one of them suddenly appeared in the window. He just "dropped in" out of "nowhere"! It was really quite funny, like something straight out of a movie.



Asakusadera (Asakusa Temple)

At Asakusa Temple
A Successful Interview at the American Embassy
★ 緊張していどんだステップ1 ★
Shibuya District's "Scramble Junction"

This is the outside of a restaurant which specializes in FUGU, or
Japanese Blow Fish/Puffer

A tank filled with the potentially deadly Fugu. I have not yet tried the fish, but it is said to be delicious. If not cut, cleaned, and prepared properly though, it can Kill you. Apparently Fugu claimed the lives of hundreds during WWII. Bombed into poverty, many Japanese took to the streets rummaging through restaurant garbage in search of edible scraps of "anything" to eat. Not being able to decipher a deadly piece of fish from a harmless one, some unlucky scavengers perished.
Tokyo Tower
One of Tokyo's main symbols

A big beautiful Ginko Tree in one of the many beautiful Tokyo parks

The hordes scramble at "Scramble Junction"

Only in Tokyo

The quintessential Japanese school girl and an admiring passerby
in the Akihabara District.
This area is notorious for it's Japanese Anime shops, Maid Cafes, sex shops, electronics, and the bizarre crowds that it attracts. Recently (only about a week ago) a 26 year old man went on a killing spree here. He drove into the bustling mecca wielding a knife he had purchased moments earlier. With that knife he stabbed and killed 7 innocent bystanders who happened to be wandering that street at the "wrong time". Others were injured.
Thank you
to everyone who showed concern for us regarding the American Visa situation
アツコさん、お久しぶりです!楽だから、日本語で書いてしまおう(Bill先生ごめん):)。手続きの大変さは聞いてましたが・・・本当に面倒で大変 :<。多分、カナダも似たようなものだと思いますが、うちはお二人とまた状況が違うし、考えるだけで頭痛がします。扶養証明一つにしても、給料的にはクリアですけど、カナダ人なのにアメリカで働いてるし、私は住むとなるとカナダだし・・・。ネットで色々調べても、みんなそれぞれケースが違うので、一概にこうすれば大丈夫ってのがないんですよね。自分達で一つ一つクリアしていくしかないのか・・・時間もお金もかかりますね、ほんと :<。もう、今のままでええやんって思ってしまう私です :<。地球は一つ、人類皆兄弟なのに、この手続きの複雑さは何だ~!
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