Saturday, June 21 & Sunday, June 22 2008
Kayoko san, daughter Miku chan, & best friend Ryoko san
took a trip to Hiroshima, in the west of Honshu Japan
Here's Miku enjoying the ride
This sign directs visitors to the Genbaku Domu, or Atomic Bomb Dome
This shell of a building stands as a grim reminder of the horrific devastation caused by atomic warfare. It was Hiroshima's Industry Promotion Hall until the morning of August 6, 1945. Visitors come from near and far, Japanese and foreign, to see this monument of tragedy, pay their respects to those who died, and pray that such an atrocity will never again occur anywhere in the world.
Genbaku Shibotsusha Ireihi (Cenotaph) at Heiwa Kinen-Koen Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park.
Beneath the arch memorial a cenotaph (An empty tomb or monument erected in memory or a person buried elsewhere) lists the names of more than 200,000 victims.
Here the Torii is completely exposed at Kancho (low tide)
Could you please come back at a later time!"
The Shikansen (Bullet Train)
Scrumptious looking pork cutlets are on the menu aboard the train!
Going home happy!
Thank you for sharing your adventure with us Kayoko, Miku, and Ryoko!
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