Monday, June 27, 2011



We went to the Stamford Museum & Nature Center today to drop off something.
In front of the visitor center, there was a cute pineapple.
Reminds me of the time in Belize almost 10 years ago.
I used to buy $1 pineapple once a week when we went grocery shopping to Belmopan (capital) by a non-reliable bus or a hitch hike.  Everything was a natural setting around the house.  Burnt the paper garbage in a pit, threw banana peels, potato peels and kitchen garbage into the woods...
One day a pineapple grew out of the spiky part I tossed over the window.
Waited and waited for a couple of months and finally ate the fruit.
It wasn't as sweet as the ones in the market, but that was quite an experience for me.
First time to see the pineapple plant.  For some reason I had thought they made fruits on trees!


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