Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weird Story...

Malaysian mistakes woman for a monkey, shoots her

Police said a man in Malaysia shot his neighbor as she picked sapodilla fruit in his tree thinking she was a monkey. Police chief in eastern Pahang state Yahaya Othman said the woman was gathering fruit Thursday when her neighbor shot her. Yahaya said the man came home and saw rustling in the tree and fired into it. "Then there was screaming ... and only then did he know it was his neighbor."
He said the woman was hospitalized with a wound to the abdomen but her condition was stable Friday.
He said police were investigating the man, a volunteer security corps member, for illegally discharging a firearm, which carries a maximum prison term of two years.



[クアラルンプール(マレーシア) 14日 AP] 「猿が自宅の木になっているサポジラの実を取っている!」と住人の男性が銃を持ち出して発砲したところ、実は猿ではなくて隣に住む女性だったという。女性は腹部を撃たれたが、病院で治療を受けて現在様態は安定している。地元警察によると、木曜日に女性が実を取っていたところ、帰宅した男性が木の葉がカサカサと音を立てているのに気付き、木に向かって発砲した。直後に悲鳴が上がり、男性はこの時初めて猿ではないことに気がついたという。男性はボランティア保安団体の一員で、不法発砲の疑いもあるとして警察が調査を続けており、有罪となれば最高2年の禁固刑になる。

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