Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Eve 2011


The very last time in 2011 to water millions of plants inside the house.


今年は比較的 暖冬で(それでも氷点下)雪が降った日が異常気象の10月末以来まだナシ

We've been very fortunate to have relatively warmer winter than regular years.
Still I'd like to keep it to 55 at night and also when I'm by myself and then sit in Kotatsu (click here to see what Kotatsu is...) that Bill got me for my b-day.
But for Blackstones, they know what to do to keep them warm - cuddle up together or come inside Kotatsu.


We Japanese celebrate New Year's Day the most - yes, it is Jan 1, we don't have Chinese new year's.  We eat soba noodles at the night of new year's eve and wish for long life.
Since Bill got to work on New Year, I didn't want to bother making soba, and instead we went to this Vietnam restaurant in Danbury.
It was soooooooo good, and yes, Zagat rated.

お金に余裕があるんだったら ともかくと、私はちょっと切れ気味

その後、ゴールデングローブにもノミネートされてて有力候補であるジョージ・クルーニーの「The Descendants(邦題: ファミリー・ツリー)」を見に行きました

And then we went to see George Clooney's "The Descendants" that is nominated for the best motion picture, Drama.  I wasn't a big George Clooney fan before, but I finally realized he was such a good actor!  This was a great movie to watch.
The only thing we noticed at the crowded movie theater was that most audiences were middle aged, no kids there.  Where have all kids gone to?????


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