Shoji (the middle son,sporting a far more appealing physique than I) runs up from the water with his bucket o' creatures to show the gang!
Who took a crap on Koji's hand?
Hey, that ain't no CRAP!
It's a CRAB.
A spider crab variety that camouflages itself by encouraging many species of sea weed to grow on its already crepuscular brown body. She's a little darlin' she is!

I also caught two of these guys in Shoji's net today.
It's a Valentine Puffer or
Black-Saddled Toby
Canthigaster valentini
Again, not my photo! Everyone had their station in the "kitchen" today. We all took part in the cooking AND eating of an elaborate beach BBQ. There were chicken legs, chicken wings, mushrooms, asparagus, cow tung, salmon, beef strips, clams, scallops, sardines, noodles, watermelon, beer, coffee, tea and then 200 more servings of each! It was delightful. Satisfying with a capital MMMMMM!
Mr. Yabuno equipped me with a portable shower which feeds from any water container. The water shoots up through the hose by means of a small pump that runs off your car battery when plugged into a cigarette lighter jack! What a handy little gadget. Shower master was my final duty of the day. Shoji and Koji took turns being washed down. I decided not to shower down myself for two reasons. First and foremost, I felt a bit chilly at this point and not having any towel couldn't see the logic in getting wet again. Second, unlike many people who dislike the feel of dried salt and other sea/beach debris on their body, I don't mind it one bit. I actually savor the sensation I get after having spent a day in and around the sea. A shower can wait for home.ラクダ岩(本日勝手に命名)
All of us agreed that this rock most closely resembled a sitting camel and so named the monolith
Lionfish are poisonous! Watch where you step! BEEEEautiful...but a little scary. Closest I came to this sort of experience was a moray eel in Costa Rica.
Love you both
Thanks for the tip Maria! I was aware that their dorsal spines contain a potentially dangerous venom and so did not contemplate catching the lovely fish by hand. I tried several times to net the larger of the two I saw, but without success. Both fish were hiding inside a cave under a rocky shelf. Though they sat motionless, in a kind of suspended animation, I couldn't reach in far enough with my net to get at them. It was difficult to manage keeping my head from bashing against the cave wall while attempting to catch them as well. So, I was the only one lucky enough to see the beauties!
How big was the Moray you saw in Costa Rica Maria? What color was it?
Love you too Maria!
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