Genghis Khan, the fearsome Mongolian warrior of the 13th century, may have done more than rule the largest empire in the world; according to a recently published genetic study, he may have helped populate it too. An international group of geneticists studying Y-chromosome data have found that nearly 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today. The Y-chromosome is passed on as a chunk of DNA from father to son, basically unchanged through generations except for random mutations.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Descent from Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan, the fearsome Mongolian warrior of the 13th century, may have done more than rule the largest empire in the world; according to a recently published genetic study, he may have helped populate it too. An international group of geneticists studying Y-chromosome data have found that nearly 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today. The Y-chromosome is passed on as a chunk of DNA from father to son, basically unchanged through generations except for random mutations.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
実際、税理士に依頼する人も多い。会社の既婚の日本人の人に聞いたら、全員が税理士にお願いしたということだった。お金節約のために少しでも自分で出来ないかと頭をひねってみたけど、ひねりすぎてそれがストレスに変わった ☆○=(`◇´*)o コノヤロー!!
ということで、明日H&R Blockという大手コンサルタントの会社に行くことにした。数万払うことになりそうやけど、間違うよりはいい、と自分に言い聞かせて。
アメリカでは毎月払う給料から差し引かれる税金額が半端なく高額。だいたい25%は引かれてしまう。さっきネットで見てたら、日本で年間50万円天引きされてる人なら、アメリカだと200万円も引かれることになるらしい。軽々と4倍か・・・。だから確定申告はタックスリターン(Tax Return)と呼ばれて、一般会社員なら還付される人の方が多い。もれることなくちゃんと申告すれば、還付される額も日本より多い(最初に引かれてる額から違うし)。
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weird Story...
Police said a man in Malaysia shot his neighbor as she picked sapodilla fruit in his tree thinking she was a monkey. Police chief in eastern Pahang state Yahaya Othman said the woman was gathering fruit Thursday when her neighbor shot her. Yahaya said the man came home and saw rustling in the tree and fired into it. "Then there was screaming ... and only then did he know it was his neighbor."
He said the woman was hospitalized with a wound to the abdomen but her condition was stable Friday.
He said police were investigating the man, a volunteer security corps member, for illegally discharging a firearm, which carries a maximum prison term of two years.
[クアラルンプール(マレーシア) 14日 AP] 「猿が自宅の木になっているサポジラの実を取っている!」と住人の男性が銃を持ち出して発砲したところ、実は猿ではなくて隣に住む女性だったという。女性は腹部を撃たれたが、病院で治療を受けて現在様態は安定している。地元警察によると、木曜日に女性が実を取っていたところ、帰宅した男性が木の葉がカサカサと音を立てているのに気付き、木に向かって発砲した。直後に悲鳴が上がり、男性はこの時初めて猿ではないことに気がついたという。男性はボランティア保安団体の一員で、不法発砲の疑いもあるとして警察が調査を続けており、有罪となれば最高2年の禁固刑になる。
Vampire found in Italy??!!
ROME (AP) — An archaeological dig near Venice has unearthed the 16th-century remains of a woman with a brick stuck between her jaws — evidence, experts say, that she was believed to be a vampire. The unusual burial is thought to be the result of an ancient vampire-slaying ritual. It suggests the legend of the mythical bloodsucking creatures was tied to medieval ignorance of how diseases spread and what happens to bodies after death, experts said.
The well-preserved skeleton was found in 2006 on the Lazzaretto Nuovo island, north of the lagoon city, amid other corpses buried in a mass grave during an epidemic of plague that hit Venice in 1576.
"Vampires don't exist, but studies show people at the time believed they did," said Matteo Borrini, a forensic archaeologist and anthropologist at Florence University who studied the case over the last two years. "For the first time we have found evidence of an exorcism against a vampire."
Medieval texts show the belief in vampires was fueled by the disturbing appearance of decomposing bodies, Borrini told The Associated Press by telephone.
During epidemics, mass graves were often reopened to bury fresh corpses and diggers would chance upon older bodies that were bloated, with blood seeping out of their mouth and with an inexplicable hole in the shroud used to cover their face.
"These characteristics are all tied to the decomposition of bodies," Borrini said. "But they saw a fat, dead person, full of blood and with a hole in the shroud, so they would say: 'This guy is alive, he's drinking blood and eating his shroud.'"
Modern forensic science shows the bloating is caused by a buildup of gases, while fluid seeping from the mouth is pushed up by decomposing organs, Borrini said. The shroud would have been consumed by bacteria found in the mouth area, he said.
At the time however, what passed for scientific texts taught that "shroud-eaters" were vampires who fed on the cloth and cast a spell that would spread the plague in order to increase their ranks.
To kill the undead creatures, the stake-in-the-heart method popularized by later literature was not enough: A stone or brick had to be forced into the vampire's mouth so that it would starve to death, Borrini said.
That's what is believed to have happened to the woman found on the Lazzaretto island, which was used as a quarantine zone by Venice. Aged around 60, she died of the plague during the epidemic that also claimed the life of the painter Titian.
Much later, someone jammed the brick into her mouth when the grave was reopened. Borrini said that marks and breaks left by blunt instruments on several among more than 100 skeletons found by the archaeologists show that the grave was reused in a later epidemic.
Such a reconstruction of events is plausible, as is the link to the superstitions about "shroud-eaters," said Piero Mannucci, the vice president of the Italian Society of Anthropology and Ethnology.
"Maybe a priest or a gravedigger put the brick in her mouth, which is what was normally done in such cases," Mannucci said.
The anthropologist, who did not take part in Borrini's research, said that at a time when bacteria were unknown, such superstitions were a way for the terrified population to explain the waves of plague epidemics that killed millions during the Middle Ages. Jews were also often accused of spreading the disease.
Borrini said the discovery shows that vampires in popular culture were originally quite different from the elegant, aristocratic blood-drinker depicted in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel "Dracula" and in countless Hollywood revisitations.
"The real vampire of tradition was different," he said. "It was just a decomposing body."
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
久しぶりに風邪をひいて「体中が痛い」(インフルエンザではなさそう)と言って始終鼻をかんでいたビルに頼んで、Windowsのテクニカルサポートに電話をしてもらう。(どうやらWindowsのDEPというソフトのせいで画像が見れなくなってたみたいなので)すぐに人は出て「$135。Mastercard or Visa?」と言う。なんでも金か!
世界の土地の2.4%を所有する(世界7位)インド人の人口・10億人強(中国に次ぐ2位)といい、アカデミー賞を取った「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」といい、数学と科学に長けてる計算高いインドが世界のトップになる将来も近いかも。次期の世界のリーダー国は はたして、中国?インド?ヨーロッパ?