帰宅したビルから「マイケル・ジャクソンのニュース聞いた?」と言われた時は、またいつものタブロイド系かと思った。急いでテレビをつけてみた(今のケーブルのリモコンの調子が悪くて固いとこにバンバンと叩き付けないと反応しないので、つけるまで時間がかかる (-_-;ウーン 新しいのを注文中)
それにしても、急死から2時間かそこらでマイケル・ジャクソンの一生ドキュメンタリーをまとめあげて放送できたテレビ局ってすごいと感心した。プロ・・・ d(-_☆) グッ!!
It was 10 to 6, Thursday June 25 - glory day. I was looking forward to my weekend with Atsuko fixing up Bittsy Wright. As I board the ferry, I thought I heard a woman saying Michael Jackson has died of heart attack. I quickly dismissed what I thought i heard. Believing it to simply be impossible. When my ferry mate, Tanmoi, again repeated it, I started taking this whole thing much more serious. Tanmoi had clearly heard just what I had heard. I wasn't just hearing things after all.
By the time I reached home, the reality of Michael Jackson's death had become solidified. I laid on the floor watching the headlines with Atsuko. They were all the same - "the life and death of Michael Jackson"
I must admit this whole thing shocked me as it did millions worldwide. Neal Young once said it's better to burn out than fade away. I believe that towards the end of his life Michael Jackson was in fact fading away and maybe it was time for him to burn out. I feel lucky to have shared the planet simultaneously with one of the most gifted and interesting artists of all time.